In a perfect world, everyone would know how to perform CPR, use an AED, and recognize and stabilize signs of a stroke. But let’s face it: that’s not how things work these days. Many people think they don’t need to know how to perform CPR, as it is almost never used in hospitals these days. However, in a surprising number of cases, people who are not healthcare providers are called upon to assist with CPR in emergency situations where there is no immediate medical assistance.In this article, we will explore the value of training first aid providers in CPR and how long first aid courses typically last so that you can decide whether this is something you would like to do and if so, which type of course would be best for you.

What is first aid?

First aid is the initial assistance provided to victims of an emergency or sudden injury until professional medical assistance can be obtained. It can be administered by anyone, including laypeople, such as friends, family members and co-workers, who has been trained in first aid.Depending on the situation, first aid may be provided at the site of the incident or at a more central location such as a home or office.A first aid provider can be anyone who has been trained in, and is prepared to provide, first aid, including yourself if you are trained in first aid.

Courses Available

There are many different types of first aid courses available, so it’s important to research which one would be best for you and your situation. Some courses are general, while others focus on a specific type of first aid, such as CPR, AED use or emergency trauma care.Other courses may focus on first aid for specific populations, such as first aid for pregnant women or children, first aid for the elderly, or first aid for a specific type of emergency situation, such as a chemical incident or a natural disaster.There are also different types of first aid instructors, including instructors who are certified to teach first aid, instructors who are certified trainers and instructors who are both certified to teach and certified to train.

CPR Courses

A course on CPR is ideal for anyone who works with the public and who may occasionally be expected to assist with CPR. It can take up to a few hours to complete a CPR course, depending on the type of course being taken and the organization that is providing it.Some courses include both theory and practice. Others focus primarily on theory, with only a brief amount of hands-on practice.Some courses may be offered in a classroom setting, others online, and others a combination of both. Most first aid organizations also offer online courses for convenience.

AED Courses

An AED course is ideal for anyone who works in healthcare, or who has frequent contact with patients in a healthcare setting, such as a hospital. It is important to note that AEDs are not meant to be a replacement for CPR. Rather, they are a way of accelerating the process of getting CPR started.A course on AED use may take a few hours to complete, depending on the type of course being taken and the organization that is providing it. Some courses include both theory and practice. Others focus primarily on theory, with only a brief amount of hands-on practice.Some courses may be offered in a classroom setting, others online, and others a combination of both. Most first aid organizations also offer online courses for convenience.

EMT Courses

An EMT course is ideal for anyone who works in emergency services, but may also be beneficial to people in certain other occupations. It is important to note that an EMT course is not the same thing as a first aid course. An EMT course covers more than just first aid. However, there are many organizations that provide both first aid and EMT training.An EMT course may take a few hours to complete, depending on the type of course being taken and the organization that is providing it. Some courses include both theory and practice. Others focus primarily on theory, with only a brief amount of hands-on practice.Some courses may be offered in a classroom setting, others online, and others a combination of both. Most first aid organizations also offer online courses for convenience.


First aid is an important skill to have, whether at work or at home. It can save lives, but must be practiced regularly to remain effective. With the right training, anyone can become a first aid provider.There are many different types of first aid courses available, so it’s important to research which one would be best for you and your situation. Some courses are general, while others focus on a specific type of first aid, such as CPR, AED use or emergency trauma care.Other courses may focus on first aid for specific populations, such as first aid for pregnant women or children, first aid for the elderly, or first aid for a specific type of emergency situation, such as a chemical incident or a natural disaster.There are also different types of first aid instructors, including instructors who are certified to teach first aid, instructors who are certified trainers and instructors who are both certified to teach and certified to train.