The goal of first aid is to help someone in need until professional help arrives. It’s not meant to be a permanent solution but rather a temporary measure until further assistance can be provided. Therefore, it is crucial to know what methods of first aid are available to help someone in need in any given situation. There are many variations of first aid that can be used in almost every situation, from a small cut to anaphylaxis. But some methods are more commonplace than others and can save lives if used correctly. The most common methods of first aid are listed below.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

CPR is used to assist someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest. It’s important to note that this method of first aid is only meant to be used in a medical emergency and should not be attempted by anyone without the proper training. However, if you find yourself in a situation where someone has suffered a cardiac arrest, the best course of action is to call for emergency medical assistance. If there are no nearby medical responders or the person isn’t capable of calling for help, CPR is the best option to keep them alive until help arrives. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a combination of different methods that are meant to simulate the heartbeat of someone who has been stricken with cardiac arrest. These methods include chest compressions and artificial ventilation (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation).

Electric Shock

Electric shock is used to help someone who has suffered from a cardiac arrest or an injury that’s left them in a state of unconsciousness. While it’s not always easy to know whether someone has suffered a cardiac arrest, there are certain signs that they might. These signs include being unresponsive, having a lack of motor control, having a pale or blue color to their skin and having a rapid pulse rate. If someone has suffered a cardiac arrest, the best course of action is to administer an electric shock. This method can help to temporarily revive someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest. A defibrillator or even a nearby power source can be used to administer the shock. If someone has suffered a trauma, they may also receive an electric shock to help them regain consciousness.


A tourniquet is used to help stop the flow of blood from an injured limb. This method of first aid is particularly useful for someone who has suffered an injury to a part of their body where blood flow can be easily shut off, such as the arm or leg. A tourniquet can help prevent blood loss, which can be life-threatening, and can help preserve the blood supply to other areas of the body. A tourniquet can be applied to an arm or leg, and can be tightened to a specific pressure. You should only apply a tourniquet as a last resort, as it may cause permanent damage to the limb.

Medication - Epinephrine

Medication - Epinephrine is used to help someone who is suffering from a severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe and sometimes fatal allergic reaction that can occur suddenly. It can be treated with medication, but only after the person has been evaluated by medical professionals to make sure they are safe to administer the medication. This medication is often used in conjunction with other methods of first aid.

Medication - Adrenaline

Medication - Adrenaline is used to help someone who is suffering from a severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis. It can also be used to help a person who is suffering from a cardiac arrest. The best course of action in these situations is to call for emergency medical assistance. However, if there isn’t anyone around, these medications can be used as a last resort to help someone until help arrives.


To conclude, first aid is a crucial skill that everyone should have in their arsenal. These methods of first aid can help to save a life if used correctly and in a timely manner. While some methods are more commonplace than others, it’s important to know all of the different methods so that you can respond appropriately and effectively in a given situation.