CPR is a lifesaving skill that can be performed by anyone. It is a necessary skill for anyone working in an healthcare environment or who may be exposed to cardiac arrest, where breathing is interrupted. Fortunately, learning CPR can be done in a matter of minutes using online videos or online courses. The American Heart Association offers online CPR courses to help train people in this crucial skill. If you are unsure about how to perform CPR or how to respond when someone else is in need, read on for advice from a certified instructor on how to improve your performance during future CPR training sessions.

Watch a training video at least once.

The best place to start is with a CPR video. These are available online and can be used to reinforce your knowledge or refresh your memory if you’ve forgotten any essential steps. You can also search for free videos on YouTube and other online resources. If you prefer to learn by reading a guide, there are many online guides available that are written for a variety of audiences. There are online guides for adults, teens, children, and people with disabilities. If you prefer to read a book, try The American Red Cross’s book, “CPR and AED: How to save a life.”

Take a CPR course.

If you are in need of CPR training, you can take an online course with an instructor or complete an online course with no instructor.Online courses are available from a variety of providers such as the American Red Cross and First Aid Only.Online courses are beneficial as they offer flexibility. You can complete them at your own pace and choose a time that works best for you. If you are taking a course with an instructor, you can choose a time that works best for you as well. It is best to take a course with an instructor if you are first learning CPR as an adult. The instructor can help you make sure you are doing the right thing in the right order. There are many online resources available to help you find the best CPR course for your needs.

Watch for changes in breathing.

When someone is in cardiac arrest, they may have little or no movement, or they may have shallow, rapid breathing. You should watch for these signs and know what to do. If you see a person with cardiac arrest, you should immediately call for help.If you do not see any of these signs but you feel that a person is choking, you should perform the Heimlich Maneuver. If you are unsure, call for help. Keep a phone nearby and remember the emergency number for your country.

Be prepared to give effective CPR.

CPR is done with two parts: chest compressions and rescue breaths. Chest compressions are necessary to get blood flow going again, while rescue breaths are used to open the airways and allow more oxygen to get to the brain.For adult victims of cardiac arrest, you should begin with 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. Children and adults who have suffered an injury to their spine or head should begin with 35 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. If your victim is unresponsive or not breathing, continue with 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths. After 2 minutes of continuous CPR, check for a response.

Know the difference between AED and CPR.

An automated external defibrillator, or AED, is a device that can be used to deliver an electric shock to the heart in an attempt to revive someone who is unresponsive and having a cardiac arrest.CPR is a type of chest compressions used to keep blood flowing to the brain and lungs. While both are important and can save someone’s life, they are two different things. AED can be used to save lives when there is no one around to perform CPR, but CPR can also save lives when there is no AED nearby.If you ever come across a situation where someone needs help but no one is around to help, you should know how to give effective and efficient CPR.


CPR is a crucial skill that can be life-saving when someone is having a cardiac arrest. If you are unsure about how to perform CPR or if you need help learning how to do it, there are many resources available to help you. You can watch a CPR video, take a CPR course, or read a guide online. If you need to perform CPR, make sure you are prepared and know how to do it correctly.