The cost of a first aid course in Ottawa depends on where the course is being offered, the type of provider offering the course, as well as the length of the course. The average cost of a first aid course in Ottawa is between $100 and $150. There are many factors that will affect the cost of the course. The course provider, location, and type of first aid course offered will all have an impact on the cost. There are several factors that will affect the cost of a first aid course: length of course, whether it’s offered by an instructor or a self-paced e-learning course, and whether or not you need to purchase any supplies. Depending on the course provider, length of course, and the type of first aid course offered can all affect the price of the first aid course. There are a few online courses available that are free, but keep in mind that these are not accredited by any first aid organization and may not cover all topics.

How to find the best first aid course in Ottawa

When looking for the best first aid course in Ottawa, there are a few things to consider. Make sure you select a course that is accredited by an organization such as the Canadian Red Cross or the American Red Cross. This will provide you with a standardized course that will be recognized by employers and first aid providers. You should also make sure that the first aid course is offered in both English and French so that you can easily find a course that meets your needs. Some first aid courses will require you to have a notebook to take notes during the course. Make sure the notebook is approved by the course provider as it may be necessary to record information in case of an emergency. There are also many online courses that do not require you to meet in person. While this may save you time, you will not have many opportunities to practice the skills you are taught.


Accreditation is important when choosing a first aid course in Ottawa. Accreditation means that the course has been tested and approved by a third party. Most first aid courses will be accredited by either the Red Cross or the American Red Cross. Accreditation will ensure that the course is standardized and will be recognized by employers and first aid providers. You can check if the course you are interested in is accredited by visiting the website of either organization. You can also ask the course provider if the course is accredited by the Red Cross or the American Red Cross. There are also a few online first aid courses that are not accredited by either the Red Cross or the American Red Cross.

Location and instructor

The location of the first aid course in Ottawa and the instructor also play a role in the cost of a first aid course. The more central the location is to you, the more likely it is that you will be able to attend the course. If the course is offered close to work, you may be able to attend during your lunch break. If the course is further away, you may have to take time off work to attend.The cost of the course will also vary depending on the instructor. The instructor should be certified and have extensive experience with first aid and medical emergencies. You can ask the course provider if they have the instructor available to teach the course.

Supplies and materials

The cost of a first aid course in Ottawa will also depend on the cost of the supplies and materials. You will likely need to purchase a notebook to keep notes on the course. You may also need to purchase bandages and tourniquets, depending on the course that you are taking. The cost of the supplies will vary depending on the type of supplies you need. You may also want to consider purchasing a first aid kit to store in your car or home. A first aid kit will allow you to access your supplies quickly in the event of an emergency.


The cost of a first aid course in Ottawa will vary depending on the course provider, the length of the course, and the type of first aid course offered. The cost of the course will also depend on the location and the instructor. The more central the location, the more likely it is that you will be able to attend the course. The instructor should have extensive experience with first aid and medical emergencies. Make sure to ask the course provider if they offer a first aid course at your location.